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I am Falcon, a young, single  Malawian man born in 1990 with a background in Mechanical Engineering. I have 7 siblings – 5 sisters and two brothers and I am the sixth born. I was born with HIV but was only diagnosed in late 2004 and that is when I started treatment.

My HIV status has helped me understand the landscape of HIV programming and implementation for young people living with HIV and what we face in day-to-day life and this has impacted how I live my life and is what drives me because knowing my status is of paramount importance as it helps me define what is important in life.

While I have not contracted COVID-19 the pandemic has negatively impacted my economic and social well-being. I have lost a pillar in our family – my brother-in-law. I am so angry with this pandemic. It has taught me a great deal and how I live my daily life has changed a lot because of COVID-19.